Future Skills Sussex Talent

We are taking a collaborative approach to create a better understanding and awareness of the employment and career opportunities in Sussex. 

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We aim to:

  • Raise the profile of the priority sectors in Sussex.
  • Increase awareness and understanding of the types of jobs on offer.
  • Increase the supply of people into sectors/jobs with skills gaps and/or labour shortage.

The partners

Sussex Learning Network is the lead for this theme and over the course of the LSIP they will work collaboratively with the following core partners.

Our activity

Through research and analysis, consultation and planning workshops we developed a set of recommended actions which form part of a 3-year action plan for each Future Skills Sussex Improvement Framework theme. The overarching recommended actions for Talent are:

  • Map the existing  activity being done by the core partners.
  • Develop a Sussex-wide approach to raising the profile of the priority sectors  in Sussex
  • Develop a  Sussex-wide approach to increasing awareness  and understanding of the types of jobs on offer
  • Develop a  Sussex-wide approach to increasing the  supply of people into sectors/jobs with skills gaps and/or labour  shortages
  • Embed a  Sussex-wide approach to equality,  diversity and inclusion

View the full action plan here.

A woman and man working together in an office.


Join us on our Journey

We’d love you to join us as we continue to deepen our understanding of the skills most needed to support local economic growth, boost productivity and improve prosperity.

To stay updated, collaborate and contribute, please leave us your details and we’ll be in touch.

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